Jiawei Tang

I am a second-year PhD student in HKUST working with Prof. Ling Shi. I obtained MPhil degree from HKUST in August 2021 and bachelor degree from PolyU in June 2019.

From Oct 2021 to Aug 2022, I was a full-time C++ software engineer in Huawei Car BU. From Sept 2018 to Jun 2019, I worked with Prof. Kenneth Lam on face recognition. In the summer of 2018, I worked in Robot Perception Lab at CMU with Prof. Michael Kaess. Prior to that, I was a power electronics intern at ASM Pacific Technology.

My research interests lie at control, optimization and robotics. Currently, I am working on numerical methods for trajectory optimization and geometrical optimal control. Slelected works are listed in Publications and Projects. In my spare time, there is nothing better than running in Victoria Harbour, hiking in MacLehose Trail and doing water sports in Clear Water Bay.

Paper I read recently can be found in Reading Records.

Email  /  CV  /  Linkedin  /  Github  /  Reading Records


Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HK
PhD • Sept. 2022 to Present

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HK
MPhil • Sept. 2019 to Aug. 2021

Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK
Bachelor of Engineering • Sept. 2014 to Jun. 2019

Working Experiences

Noah's Ark Lab, Huawei, HK
Research Intern • Jun. 2023 to Nov. 2023

Huawei Car Bu, Shanghai
Algorithm Engineer • Oct. 2021 to Aug. 2022

ASM Pacific Technology, HK
PowerE Intern • Jun. 2017 to May. 2018

Carnegie Mellon University, Pitts
RISS Summer Scholar • Jun. 2018 to Aug. 2018



[4]   Geometric Tracking Control for DWRs with Unknown Kinematic Parameters: a Data-driven LQR Approach

          Jiawei Tang, Nachuan Yang, Shuang Wu, Shilei Li, Dawei Shi, Ling Shi

          IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS) , submitted

[3]   A Nonlinear Filter for Pose Estimation Based on Fast Unscented Transform on Lie Groups

          Yuqiang Jin, Wen-An Zhang, Jiawei Tang, Hu Sun, Ling Shi

          IEEE Robotics & Automation Letters (RAL) , submitted

[2]   MINER-RRT: A Hierarchical and Fast Trajectory Planning Framework in 3D Cluttered Environments

          Pengyu Wang, Jiawei Tang, Hi Wang Lin, Fan Zhang, Chaoqun Wang, Jiankun Wang, Max Q.-H Meng, Ling Shi

          IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (TASE) , submitted

[1]   Log-Barrier Search for Structural Linear Quadratic Regulators

          Nachuan Yang, Yuzhe Li, Jiawei Tang, Guodong Shi, Ling Shi

          IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (TAC) , submitted

Journal Papers

[3]   GMPC: Geometric Model Predictive Control for Wheeled Mobile Robot Trajectory Tracking

          Jiawei Tang, Shuang Wu, Bo Lan, Yahui Dong, Yuqiang Jin, Guangjian Tian, Wen-An Zhang, Ling Shi

          IEEE Robotics & Automation Letters (RAL) , accepted, 2024, [arxiv], [code]

[2]   Event-triggered Sensor Scheduling for Remote State Estimation with Error-Detecting Code

          Yuxing Zhong, Jiawei Tang, Nachuan Yang, Dawei Shi, Ling Shi

          IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS) , accepted, 2023, [paper]

[1]   Linear Quadratic Control of Positive Systems: A Projection-Based Approach

          Nachuan Yang, Jiawei Tang, Yik Ben Wong, Yuzhe Li, Ling Shi

          IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (TAC) , accepted, 2023, [paper]

Conference Papers

[4]   Direct Shooting Method for Second-order Systems: An Improved Transcription Method

          Jiawei Tang, Yuxing Zhong, Pengyu Wang, Xingzhou Chen, Shuang Wu, Ling Shi

          22nd European Control Conference (ECC) , accepted, 2024, [arxiv]

[3]   Motion Planning for Mobile Robots with Noise: A Probabilistic MPC Approach

          Jiawei Tang, Yik Ben Wong, Zhengyu Fu, Nachuan Yang, Sil Kwong Tse, Winnie Suk Wai Leung, Ling Shi

          13th Asian Control Conference (ASCC) , accepted, 2022, [paper] [demo]

[2]   LQR Design for Discrete-Time Positive Systems: A First-Order Method

          Nachuan Yang, Jiawei Tang, Yuzhe Li, Ling Shi

          61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), accepted, 2022, [paper]

[1]   Relative State Formation-based Warehouse Multi-robot Collaborative Parcel Moving

          Sil Kwong Tse, Yik Ben Wong, Jiawei Tang, Peihu Duan, Suk Wai Winnie Leung, Ling Shi

          IEEE Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS) , accepted, 2021, [paper] [demo]

Multi-robot Testbed
Jiawei Tang*, Sil Kwong Tse*, Yik Ben Wong*

We built a physical multi-robot testbed and a ROS-based simulation platform from scratch. We demonstrated various control algorithms, including formation control, path planning with MPC, cooperative control, extended Kalman filter, and so on.

Percpeption, Planning and Control for Quadrotor
Jiawei Tang

An integrated project on a quadrotor, where I implemented optimal path planner, optimization-based trajectory generator and two-loop PID controller for control and planning, optical flow based visual odometry with a stereo camera, and extended Kalman filter for state estimation and sensor fusion.


Learning-based Position Control
Jiawei Tang

I implemented a learning-based position control algorithm for fun. The pipeline is based on Tai's IROS 2017. I implemented a Pytorch version and trained it for 1500 episodes in Gazebo simulation. The controller works but the performance......


SLAM Simulation Project in VREP
Jiawei Tang

The final project of Robotic Perception and Learning (ELEC5670 & COMP5223) @ HKUST. Tasks include mobile robot control, SLAM, image recognition and localization, ball tracking with camera.

[code] [demo]

Low-Resolution Face Recognition
Jiawei Tang

In my final-year project, I solved the low-resolution face recognition problem by considering the difference between high-resolution and low-resolution features. Meanwhile, I developed an online face verification demo page for this FYP based on Flask, HTML, javascript and CSS.

[code] [poster] [demo]
Extrinsic Calibration System of a Camera and a 3D LiDAR
Jiawei Tang

During my internship at RI, CMU. I developed A Matlab Extrinsic Calibration system of a camera and a 3D LiDAR using line and plane correspondences.

[poster] [RISS paper] [demo]

©2024, Jiawei Tang

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